Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research & Education (DARE) & Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Dr. A. S. Ayappan, Shri P. K. Basu, Additional Secretary, Agriculture and Cooperation, Government of India, Dr. H. P. Singh, Deputy Director General (Horticulture), ICAR, Dr. A. S. Sidhu, Director, IIHR, Bangalore, distinguished Vice Chancellors, Directors, Scientists, delegates from different parts of the country, representatives of press media, Ladies and gentlemen.
I am pleased to be here, amidst you all, to participate in the "National Conference on Production of Quality Seeds and Planting Material - Health Management in Horticultural Crops". It is a matter of satisfaction to see a large number of delegates from different part of the country. This gives me feel that, seeds and planting material, its quality and health is getting due attention for research and development, to serve the stakeholders. It is always beneficial to deliberate upon the current status, identify the gaps and develop strategies to address the challenges. Therefore, organization of this conference is timely. I compliment the organizers and DG, ICAR for giving me an opportunity to be the part of the conference.
Despite various challenges, Indian agriculture, which provides livelihood to 600 million people, has made rapid strides and our achievements are laudable. Efforts made by our Government has brought about a significant enhancement in investment for agriculture through new initiatives like National Horticulture Mission, National Food Security Mission and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna. Initiative of the Government to provide seeds and inputs in a timely manner has paved the way for all time record harvest of wheat. In this context, Indian Council of Agricultural Research has played a key role in technology generation, development of seeds and production of breeder seeds and nucleus planting material. However, considering the challenges, there is a need for well orchestrated approach utilizing the technologies to ensure the availability of quality seed to achieve higher replacement rate.
Horticulture which includes, fruits, vegetables, spices, floriculture, plantation crops, medicinal and aromatic plants, has made appreciable growth in last two decades. The plan investment in horticulture has been rewarding, and it has emerged as the best option for the effective land use, employment generation and enhanced farm profitability. Scientists have developed more than 1500 cultivars of horticultural crops, many of which have been adopted by the farmers. In potato and many other crops, cultivars developed by the ICAR are grown across the country. Use of improved cultivars and production technologies have resulted in enhanced production, productivity, availability and export of horticultural crops, and this development is referred as Golden Revolution. But, availability of quality seeds and disease free planting material continues to be a constraint. Thus, effective use of diagnostic techniques are essentially required.
The planting material produced through micro-propagation is the success story especially in banana, which has enhanced the production and productivity many fold. Similarly, production of mini tuber in potato has ensured the quality production of seeds in potato. True potato seed (TPS) required intensive research to popularize. I am told that diagnostics for banana, citrus and potato have been developed by the ICAR research institutes, which is rapid and accurate method of detection of viruses and other pathogens. Similar detection techniques have to be standardized for other vegetatively propagated plant and developed diagnostic techniques have to be made available.
It is also satisfying to note that vegetable seed production especially of hybrids is done by many private sector companies. Nurseries to produce seedling of vegetables especially high value crops have also been established by a large number of small entrepreneurs, which produce millions of healthy seedlings of popular varieties in portrays under net tunnels. This has not only reduced the initial incidency of virus attacks, but has also provided uniform crop stand in the farmer's field with low or no mortality.
Recognizing the importance of quality seed and planting material Government has provided focused attention both for financial support for seed production, quality regulation and enabling policies. New Seed Bill-2004 approved recently also cover all the horticultural crops for regulation of seeds and planting material. Looking back to the development of seed industries, development of new technologies and recognition of many indian cultivars abroad I feel confident that there is a great opportunity for seed trade both in India and abroad. Therefore, there is a need for both private and public sector to work together both for production and management of quality to ensure higher replacement rates and achieve targeted production to meet growing demand.
Since large number of horticultural crops is vegetatively propagated, there is high risk of transmission of many virus and bacterial diseases, which many a time cannot be detected. Diagnostics have been developed for detection of many diseases. As source of clean material, nucleus garden has to be established under protected conditions having monitoring system to ensure freeness from diseases. In order to ensure, the quality planting material, we may have to think for establishing "seed and planting material health management system" where farmers can have access to ensure the fidelity and freeness from diseases. The system must have facilities for verification of cultivars (finger prints) and diagnostic system.
Now, I would like to conclude by mentioning the famous quote "AS YOU SOW - SO SHALL YOU REAP", which I feel is the theme of this National Conference. Let us all work towards providing Indian farmer with good healthy seeds and planting material, so that he in turn will quality horticultural produce. This will go a long way to give us much needed nutritional security. I wish that four days of deliberations with the theme of 'Production of Quality Seeds and Planting Material - Health Management in Horticultural Crops' will be fruitful and develop strategic action plan for ensuring the quality seeds and planting material. Once again, I thank you all and declare open the conference for deliberation. I wish a fruitful deliberation.
Jai Hind.