Hon’ble Union Minister of Commerce and Industry Shri Anand Sharma, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture, Co-operation and Fisheries and Animal Resources Development, Govt. of Orissa, Hon. Minister for Fisheries Shri Nurjamal Sarkar, Govt. of Assam, Hon.ble Minister of Fisheries, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Shri K.P.P.Sami, Shri Anwar Hashim, President, SEAI, distinguished Guests, Personnel from Media, Ladies and Gentlemen.
I am very pleased to be amongst you on this occasion of International Seafood Exhibition being organised by MPEDA in Chennai. MPEDA has completed 38 years of infrastructure building, entrepreneurship development, export promotion and resource management in the marine products sector to the satisfaction of the Government and other stake holders. As a result in 2008-09 the export value touched to almost 2000 million US dollars from our major export markets such as EU, U.S, Japan, China , South East Asia and Middle East. MPEDA further plans to increase exports from the current value of 4 billion US dollars by 2012 and 6 billion U.S dollars by 2017 and maintains our leadership amongst the top 5 sea food exporting countries in the world. This export benefits our rural population by additional income from value added projects and stock the surplus for future exports. With the ASEAN agreement in position shortfall of raw material in the processing industries expected to be reduced by imports. MPEDA and EIC have to ensure that imported materials are duly value added and re-exported.
Increased global demand and health value of fish as food give ample scope for us due to comparatively low labour costs. Using innovative technology and continuously experimenting and adhering to quality standards will be the key strategies. Adopting suitable logo and packaging is also helpful. Development of global supply chains and networked retailing gives us additional scope.
I understand that MPEDA has recently notified schemes to promote value addition with the most modern kitchens to experiment products with a maximum assistance of Rs. 1.5 crore and expects exporters would come forward to avail the assistance and start exporting value added seafood items during the coming years. I also understand for the export of good quality dried fish items MPEDA has recently introduced a Scheme to set up drying facilities with solar energy. It is also possible to produce and export added dried fish items. Further, MPEDA had initiated identifying SEZs one each in East and West Coast specifically for the export of value added sea food items.
The subject of the show is value addition for export which is very relevant especially when there are limitations for getting more raw materials from capture and culture fishery. In spite of all the achievements made in the export front, India still remains as a supplier of semi-processed raw material to over 80 importing countries. Since Indian products are being processed and packed by these countries in their brand name, we are losing our brand image and profits. In this context, MPEDA’s constant efforts in developing and promoting a Logo for marketing Indian seafood in the major markets is a noteworthy initiative.
Value addition is another area of importance, though there are inhibiting factors like high duty on inputs, higher tariff levels etc. In order to increase the export share of value added marine products from India the road map set aims an increase in the share from 50% to 75% in our total marine products export valued at 6 billion US $ by 2017 through setting up new units, expansion/conversion of the existing units to process and pack value added seafood items.
A recent development in Marine Fisheries sector is the proposed regulation and Management bill for EEZ. The bill will streamline the scientific exploitation of EEZ’s waters without over use of fisheries resources. Some misgivings raised by stakeholders including some State governments have been discussed thread bare with them. Some doubts as to whether the proposal would restrict powers of State Governments have been clarified at an inter-ministerial consultation on 12.2.2010 in Delhi. I urge the MPEDA also to give wide publicity in the implementation and successful regulations of our EEZ which is vital for sustainable development and security of our seas. The changing understood and effectively implemented.
May I place my hearty congratulations to the Veteran Processers and Exporters like Shri Y.M. Elias from Kerala, Late Shri. Dilip Kapoor from Maharashtra, Shri D. Chandran and Shri T.B. Rao from Tamil Nadu who are being honoured today.
I am fortunate to have been associated with MPEDA as a Member, Member of Parliament and State Fisheries Minister previously. I look forward to making this relationship by closely interacting with all stake holders and do hope that this sea food show becomes a milestone in our efforts to develop this sector to reach further heights.