Shri Sharad Pawarji, Hon'ble Union Minister for Agriculture, Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Dr. Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy Garu, Hon'ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Shri Parthasarathi Garu, Hon'ble Minister for Fisheries, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, other dignitaries on the dais, Ladies and Gentlemen;

I am happy to be associated with two major activities of the National Fisheries Development Board today. I congratulate National Fisheries Development Board for commencing construction work of its new office complex with a unique architectural design. I am equally happy to see the display of various technologies in the field of aquaculture, marine fisheries, domestic marketing and ornamental fisheries. I congratulate NFDB and State Fisheries Department, Andhra Pradesh for taking this initiative to showcase the latest technologies in the field. I hope this effort would promote understanding of the opportunities in the fisheries sector to the emerging entrepreneurs as well.

I am delighted to see that ICAR research institutions are displaying their technologies. Similarly, I appreciate the efforts of Fishery Survey of India, National Institute of Fisheries Post Harvest Technology & Training and other State Government Departments in showcasing the contribution of their States in fisheries sector. While, much has been done so far, I believe that the full potential of this sector has not been fully exploited.

While India is the third largest fish producer of the world, still I believe that the total production of the country of around 7 million tons as against the total global production of 143 million tons needs to be enhanced. Fisheries sector is contributing to 1.07% of the total GDP in the country while its contribution to Agriculture GDP is 5.03%. In terms of exports, the fish and fishery products contribute 18% of the agri-exports. There is an opportunity for fisheries entrepreneurs to focus on quality and conversion of fish into value added products and export them to world markets.
India has a coast line of 8,118 Kms. and there are nearly 15 million fishermen depending on the sector for livelihood. The infrastructure particularly in the fishing harbors and landing centers needs to be modernized and I understand NFDB has a pivotal role to play in modernizing the coastal infrastructure facilities. Apart from the export opportunities, we should also look at the domestic marketing opportunity as well. India with a population of more than 100 crore and with the increasing middle class, domestic market can be encouraged in a big way.

The present level of fish consumption at the global level is around 17 Kgs. while per capita consumption of India is less than 5 Kgs. If the per capita consumption could be increased even by 2 Kgs., there will be a huge demand for fish within our country.
In this context, I am happy to see the marketing outlets established in this exhibition. I am sure that the entrepreneurs would be encouraged to establish such markets through NFDB. I wish the NFDB focuses more attention on market development in domestic sector so that the producers get remunerative prices.
India has been one of the important producers of shrimp in the world. However due to persistent disease outbreaks, I understand that vast areas developed for shrimp farming are under disuse. Keeping this in mind, the Government of India has introduced SPF prawn seed project in Andhra Pradesh at a cost of Rs.40 crores and works are expected to commence shortly. Once this facility is ready, 3 billion disease free shrimp seed would be made available to the aqua-farmers all over the country. Further, the Ministry has also permitted introduction of white shrimp (Liptopenaeus vannamei) culture in India. The NFDB has funded an aquatic quarantine facility exclusively for white shrimp brood stock import through Marine Products Export Development Authority at Chennai and this facility is ready for use by the hatcheries. I hope with the introduction of vennamei shrimp culture, India would regain its glory in shrimp aquaculture.

I congratulate the participants who have joined in the festival to display their products and wish them all success in promoting their business.
Thank you,
Jai Hind